We effectively and reliably fill
2-component Peeler cartridges with
different mixing ratios.

Fully automated filling and
assembling of materials, ranging from low
to high viscosities, into bottles,
cans, canisters, jars, or pails.

We fill sausages in almost all
variations, foil thicknesses, and
formats with powerful plants.

With reliability and maximum precision,
Lohnpack fills and assembles
TAH-universal (u-TAH) cartridges with
mixing ratios 1:1 and 2:1.

Lohnpack effectively fills and
assembles 1- or 2-component cartridges
made of aluminum or plastic.

We assemble 2-component
cartridges with powerful plants.

Filling tubes with Lohnpack always
pays off, whether the tubes are made
of aluminum, plastic, or laminate.


If your schedule makes an overnight stay necessary, we recommend staying at the hotel “Adler Asperg” which includes a built-in restaurant. When booking your stay, ask about the special conditions for Lohnpack customers.

Hotel Adler Ottenbacher GmbH
Stuttgarter Straße 2
71679 Asperg, Germany

Phone 0049 (0)7141 / 2660-323
Fax: 0049 (0)7141 / 2660-60
